Logic and common sense

Logically speaking, 2+8=5+5. But, my common sense says that this is not true in many cases. -I'll prove it. You just need to have the common sense to criticise or think over it. There's a task to be completed in a day. There are two people to finish the task. Both of them have the same capacity to do it. They have to divide the responsibilities equally. If one does 20% of the task and the other does 80% , the result will be deviated from the required. So simple! There are many theorems proved so far. Most of them are just ideal and that is logic. Archimedes said- "give me space to stand 'beyond' this earth; I'll lift this whole earth in one hand!" Yeah, it's logically perfect. Does it make any practical sense? Common sense should always overtake the logic. What do you say?