Should I vote?

I'm a proud INDIAN, hence I consider myself a right person to blog about this. Throughout the article, I'm asking you just the questions. I'm seriously haunting for the answers. After the independence, we have seen many governments, many elections. As we see today, India is developing day-by-day. I know that the government is the most important part in giving contributions to a nation's development. Of course, we need governments in future too, for the development. I agree that I should vote, for this reason. Have you seen a "Davis cup tennis tournament"? There you will see a "non-playing captain". Do we need a non-playing captain for the nation's development? I'm a so called 'busy' person. I invest myself in more profitable fields. Before doing anything, I always ask a question to myself: "what if I do this?" This time I'm asking you the same question. What will I get ...