We and our TV channels...

Imagine a TV channel. What comes to your mind?Of course, the breaking news, the reality shows, the serials which have finished thousands of episodes and mainly, the advertisements! Is this what TV channels are really meant for? Or if I ask my mom to imagine a channel, she would certainly tell about good many films, the news or the informative videos -which she has watched out in the earlier times. Why this drastic change?

Some of the TV channels today seem very eager to put their cameras only in front of crimes! Breaking news has no longer informative, instead it's been considered as the "break-less news."Nobody has faith in those. Moreover, you'll get the "breaking news" only of some "hot fields."

As per a survey, 30% of the today's TV shows are "reality- shows", whichever the channel it may be. By the end of the year 2010, it will be 70% ...!!! My question is, are those shows really "reality shows"? Can you say that there's no politics in judging a super-singer? You have already witnessed the story of a little girl who had got admitted to NIMHANS-Bangalore, getting mental-disorders, just because of a reality-show.

In depth view of a reality show:-The points obtained by a singer doesn't depend solely on the marks given by the star 'judges' there,
but also,in many cases it depends on the 'SMS' votes that he/she gets[Each SMS costs around 3 rupees..., imagine]. If a singer has large network of friends, relatives and 'fans', he/she'll get more number of votes, irrespective of the performance. This, is reality!.Not the show!!!

Now the advertisements. Without which none of the TV channels can run! Unfortunately, even if you have got a TV-remote controller in your hand, no use; all channels will broadcast the advertisements simultaneously!

Now can you once again say that TVs are educative ones?


Anonymous said…
Yes,I would still say TV channels are educative ones(educative meaning infomation provider,information which is considered to be good by the most).

There are channels like Discovery and NatGeo which
are undeniably informative about various useful things.Some programs help us learn from the nature ,some present great achievements of man , some are good from historical perspective.

Pogo,cartoon network and nick are good source of entertainment and are considered safe for everyone (there are some side effects of it that i know but they help in some things like imagination etc.)

Advertisements are good way to see how people try to sell themselves.

All depends on the perception and choices of the people:)

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