|| SHABD ||-2008 ... A fantastic fest!


You can't believe unless and otherwise you were there in SJCE -auditorium on 19th September 2008, at 4:30PM! The audi was filled by audiences who were witnessing curiously the inaugurals of "shabd"-08. Even the chief guest Dr.Shreenath of 'Dhwanyaloka' had got surprised to see such a huge number of students for the inaugurals of a literary fest, in a technical institute!

The inaugural started at sharp 4:45PM. It was announced in '93.5 S FM' (one of our media partners) that there's a screening of the movie "DWEEPA" after the inaugurals, so many people outside college were calling and asking about it! We got unbelievable response for the movie show! Thanks to you guys!


It was the "event's day." There were competitions like English debate, Creative writing in kannada and English, painting, Kannada JAM(shall I call it as the 'event of the fest'???!!!), along with many informals like Mysore quizz, crossw words(English) and all... The number of participants was very very huge. The real credit for the shabd-08's success really goes to those active participants, without whom all our effort would have gone in-vain!

The volunteers served as if a function is going in their own home. Because of them, we could finish the events on-time. Since we'd got a great response for the movie screening on the first day, we had another movie show, "Ondaanondu kaaladalli" today!!!


The unforgettable sunday of my engineering life. The competitions to be conducted today were Kannada debate, English debate finals, KAnnada and English poetry, English lit quiz, Karnataka quiz, poetry recitation, along with informals like kanndada crossword, ext, kenaku-thinuku and many more... I had organised kannda debate. It was a good experience as an organiser. For this particular event, we had scholar judges like Dr. N.Radhakrishna Bhat, HOD, Dept.Of.Sanskrit, KSOU,Mysore and Ms.Ambika Huskur -Kannada professor at SJCE. I'm very sure that the judges had a tough task of judging the winners, too tight was the competitions. Thanks to potential participants!

Kannada poetry recitation was really awesome. The judge Mr.Jayappa - a great poet of Mysore talked from his heart as "I've never seen such a talented poets even in Dasara KAVIGOSHTI!!!" Sorry, there were only two prizes, first and the second!

Kannada quiz. "No doubt that it was the BEST everseen quiz... " says the runner Pawan R Katti, from the university of Mysore. Of course, we had put all our effort make it a "na-bhootho-na-0bhavishyathi" like quiz. The quiz masters Karthik H K, Harsha, Jayanth and Ajay Krisahna- put forward the questions as if they werer professional quiz masters! Importantly, my classmates Avinash, Vikram, Naveen, Ravikiran, Nithin -had come up with a buzzer circuit!!! Hats-off to 5th EC guys!

All the participants, audiances, guests had ejoyed the events -I hope. The prize distributiion program started at 6:00PM sharp. All the winners seemed very happy to receive the hot cash prizes. "If I were there on the dias...." I thought-" I would have given still some more prizes for no doubt."

In all these activities, we have a 'back-bone'- my senior friend, editor in chief, HARISH MITRA... without whom we would not have got motivated. His plans, ideas, patience -in a single word-leadership-made us to work for || shabd ||. Thaks to the principal of SJCE,staff, Staff co-ordinator Dr.S.K.Prasad, all the editorial board members, volunteers, all our sponsors, participants, guests, judges and to those who worked for shabd!!!

We will come up with many more colourful ideas--- be waiting for || shabd ||- 2009!!!


vidi said…
hi madhu ninna blogs odhidhe. thuma chennagi barithiya.......nice work.keep up the good work.All the best .

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