What is your strategy?

" Never fall in any affection with anybody in your life. Don't 'feel' anything. Love yourself...!"
-This was one of the SMSess I received one day morning. As I never love the messages with some 'feelings', I just deleted the SMS. After a while I started really thinking about the message content. Is that really true? Shouldn't I fall-in affection with anybody? Also, is it wrong to love someone? or some'thing'?

Life is not as easy or as difficult as anybody can explain. The real life is the 'experience.' All of us have born to achieve something in life. Now comes the strategy: How will you achieve the things?You'll get two major ways. (i) Love and (ii) Business.

If you want not to be 'affected' by anyone, you should go in the second path. I'll tell you one more thing: Love is a minor part of the business. i.e, there also we have to 'love' the things a bit, but there's a limit.

Too much is too bad. Even the first path leads you to success. But it is difficult to be noted by the society just because of the achievement, if you follow this path! If you think that even getting recognised by the world is also important, then follow the second path.

Life is all about how you take the environment surrounding you. If somebody throws stone at you, you can build either a mansion, or you can consider that as an obstacle!!!


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