I was standing near the parking lot. A girl came near me asking, “Are not you the youngest movie director of India? Mr.…?”

Expecting appreciation, quickly I shook my head. “Can you make me as the heroine for your next movie 2500 A.D?” She begged me.

She seemed like an animal of some other planet(Alien?). “A dentist may have to work for months together to re-innovate her face cut!” –I thought. If this girl is the heroine, I’ll be lost in the box-office!!!”

“I’ll tell you the story first. If you are convinced, then it’s all right” –I told.

“All the shootings in New York city.” –I said.

“Wav! Cool!” –she was amazed.

“Hero’s father is a scientist. He works for “Advanced Studies In Science And Technologies.” He is trying to invent a ‘future-discovering’ machine, from the last twenty years. I mean, in A.D 2500, he’s doing all these.”

“And the hero?” –she was really eager.

“I’ll tel, you one by one. Hero is a magnetically levitated formula-one racer…”

“I love formula-one!!!”- her voice at a very high pitch.

“Everyday hero does a ride from Ney York to Washington in his car!”

“NY to Washington!?” –she was really impressed I thought.

“Yes. In the movie, nobody will be using vehicles which run on the roads. All the surroundings you’ll find either flying plates,Mag-lev vehicles, space-ships, power stations and all.All of them run free of cost. No any fue is needed.” –I told.

“You mean, formula-one is also off-the road?”


“I ha…te that.” –the girl!

Thank god! Somehow I had to come to this point.

I continued: “You are a super-model(?). One day you will meet with the heroine with an accident!”


“yes. Nobody will be knowing the cause for the accident. Meanwhile, hero and heroine will be admitted to the same hospital, heroine being very serious. The love-story starts at this point!”

“On the other side, hero’s father has invented that machine. It is the signal sent by this machine which caused all the signal mis-matching, making way to many space-accidents many space accidents, like the one yopu met with.”

She was still imagining something. May be that love at first sight!

“What do the scientists see in the ‘future-discovery’ machine?” –she questioned after sometime.

“Scientists will see that everything will be lost. All the existing space-stations, remote-sensible rail-ways, posh many buildings, heart-beat pass worded huge computers. The entire city will be lost. The scientists will be shocked. It’s a pure Armageddon.”

She was still thinking.

I only resumed: “Now the hero comes to his dad’s lab. He forwards the future switch still. He finds that after some years, the men from some other planet come here and grow big many trees and all…” The re-innovation of New York takes place.”

“Even we the hero-heroines will be died? Eh?”

“The hero escapes to Chicago when all these disasters happen, since he knows the future. You’ll again come here and build a new ever-green earth.”

“S o you ended-up with the ‘most-expected’ ending” –She acted like a brainy girl.

“Of course, we should give a message to the youth of the computer-age. Sometimes, our own inventions kill us. That’s the moral till the interval.”

“But people want to improve. They need the same posh built New York, the space ships, power stations, mag-lev trains. They never want to go back to old-stone ages. If they vanish, people won’t be there after the interval.” –She accelerated her voice at the end.

“I never mind. That’s why I’m given the best director award. The problem is with the youth; they only consider even the Armageddon as the improvement and greenery as anti-civilization. It’s their mistake. The generation should get something at the end” –I told.

“But this is a flop story. The film will be lost right in the box-office. I won’t act. Moreover, this is not at all a story, this is a fiction.” –she murmured.

“I don’t mind. And these people also don’t need any story. They need the fiction! Eh!” –I replied.


Suresh Kumar said…
Came down from the orkut SBF community. You do write some good stories. Why have u stopped.

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