Think about it!
> There is no need to worry about the recession;we have to just worry about your performance!
> We, as students will reserve a major part of each and everyday as "free time." The time has come to convert all the free times to self-upgradation time.
> Every petrol tank has a "reserve" state. Now, we have reached such a state that, we have to utilise the talents-in-rserve. Hidden talents must be expressed.
>once you are through this scenario, you are 'settled' in your life. (Hoping that, in future we won't come across such a hectic condition as this).Put all your efforts right now!

>Prove yourself that you are still alive. Note that, claiming is different than proving!
>Even though the IT world is suffering these days, the fault is not with tech world, instead it's with the banking world. ie, The egg with a crack is in someone else's court. Nobody can imagine a world without engineering. So, why to worry?
Just improve yourself!!!