Think about it!

As the placement secretary of my class, I had a chance of attending a one-day workshop on "Global economic recession-its effect on placements", held at Malnad College of Engineering, Hassan. Thanks to the workshop, which showed me the positive aspects of recession. Let me point out some of the points:-

> There is no need to worry about the recession;we have to just worry about your performance!
> We, as students will reserve a major part of each and everyday as "free time." The time has come to convert all the free times to self-upgradation time.
> Every petrol tank has a "reserve" state. Now, we have reached such a state that, we have to utilise the talents-in-rserve. Hidden talents must be expressed.
>once you are through this scenario, you are 'settled' in your life. (Hoping that, in future we won't come across such a hectic condition as this).Put all your efforts right now!

>Prove yourself that you are still alive. Note that, claiming  is different than proving!
>Even though the IT world is suffering these days, the fault is not with tech world, instead it's with the banking world. ie, The egg with a crack is in someone else's court. Nobody can imagine  a world without engineering. So, why to worry? 

    Just improve yourself!!!


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