Time will answer for all the questions!

Today it's 21st May 2009.

Exactly 18 years ago...
On this same day Rajeev Gandhi was assassinated by LTTE in Tamil Nadu. It was for the first time that a suicide bomber was used for the purpose of killing a politician.
After 18 years now...
The same LTTE chief Prabhakaran has been killed! LTTE's control over Srilanka has got diminished. In India once again congress led UPA is getting ready to take oath as the ruling party in India.

Time will answer for all our questions. What do you say?


Anonymous said…
"It was for the first time that a suicide bomber was used for the purpose of killing a politician."
For the above statement the following saying by Plato seems apt
"Necessity is the mother of inventions". But i'm still wondering what was the necessity....?!

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