I installed Linux [A real tragedy...]

When I came to know that Linux Campus Club [LCC] in association with IEEE-SJCE is presenting a workshop on Linux operating system installation, I was very eager to attend that program. Openly speaking, I didn’t know anything about linux, what are all the features of linux and what are the advantages of it over ‘WINDOWS’. Because I was loving ‘WINDOWS’, which was the platform for me to play all those games like counterstrike, underground, age of empires and even to play 24 hours continuous music, -which I was interested in. Moreover, I didn’t have the experience of working even a single day with linux, -which I thought as a very useless operating system.

But, the fact being, some of my ‘panta’ friends and hostelites were programming in linux, even burning the mid-night oil!! I was very jealous about them. So, I was planning that, after installing linux, I will write all those codes and will beat all the ’pantas’. I thanked LCC and IEEE.

I was sitting in the very first row in the seminar hall, listening to the ‘screwing’ seminar!! Still, because I had the aim of installing linux, I was trying to concentrate myself on the talk. Meanwhile, I was putting forward some ‘kirikking’ doubts!!! At the end, I borrowed the “fedora-6” DVD from LCC and returned to my hostel…

One among my roommates was playing ‘age of empires’ in my pc. Since I was in the ‘linux mood’, I told him to log out. He went out scolding me...

Then, for a while, I fell on my bed (Since I was tired), then came in a new zeal towards my pc. Now it was the time of installation. All my roommates were sleeping… So, no one was there to stop me. I inserted the DVD on the drive.

Wherever possible, I selected the ‘skip’ option in the dialogue boxes. All those welcome screens, configuration screens came in front of my eyes along with hundreds of ‘next’ options. The last ‘next’ button moved me to the ‘disk partitioning set-up’ screen. ‘Automatic partitioning’ once again helped me to press the ‘next’ option.

Thousands of warnings came; I ignored all, without ‘caring’!! For all the boot loader, network, firewall, additional language, time zone off-set, these that and all configuration screens, ‘next’ was my answer!!

As I told earlier, all my roommates were sleeping. When it came to the ‘root password’ time, they got up breaking all their reluctances (Since I was shouting “wow! Wow!!” with enthusiasm). It seems that, they were eager to know which one among my ‘girl friends’ will become the ‘password’!!! I told all of them to shut down (shut up?), continuing my installation work. Soon they slipped to the dreaming world (they might have scolded me!).. Hah, almost all the software packages were installed in the suitable environment.

Finally, it was the time of appearance of “Installing… please wait…” screen!! [just one step to become a ‘panta!!’] When it crossed 35% from 1%, 2%… etc, I was feeling sleepy. When I woke up again, an error message i.e.…, “partition error” was shining on the screen! I pressed the ‘ignore’ button…

I don’t know whether it was ‘rahu kaalam’ or not, a “DHAMAAR” sound from the speakers cracked my ear drums…

I couldn’t believe my eyes. I’d fell down from my bed. Two of my roommates were laughing at me. Another was still gaming ‘age of empires!!’ The unopened “fedora-6” DVD was still safe on my pc table and the digital clock showed me the time as 10:00 PM!!!!


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