Enthusiasm and responsibilty.

Imagine your childhood. When you had not yet entered the teenage- you were too enthusiastic about the nature. Unless and otherwise you get a warning from your parents, you were busy in your notorious playings, 'childish' quarrels. Totally, you were eagerly doing all the activities.

Time has come now that you have to 'warn' the small children. ie, you have responsibility now. You will never go front to play in muds or quarrel with your neighbor friend for a pencil. Because, you are now 'matured.'

When I was coming to Mysore from my native, my friend Praveen quoted: "Maturity overtakes enthusiasm." Yes, I strongly agree with that. One cannot learn the things around so easily after he crosses the young(enthusiastic) age. When you have to 'drive' a vehicle, say a passenger bus, the 'driving force' inside cannot be utilised to drive in a crazy way;because you are responsible for the others lives.

What do you say???


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