Who is your Role-model?

Let me ask you a question first- " Who's your role-mode l?"
Everybody aspires to achieve something in life. As by nature, he looks at the paths traveled by the men who were so called 'successful persons'. When he comes across the various turns that they got on their way to success, he starts comparing those with that of him.
- This is the first stage of taking someone as your 'Role-model' or 'Noble person'.
I'll continue by saying that I don't have any role-models in my life. -What do you mean by a role-model? I have read the auto-biographies of many famous personalities. As I turn the pages of their life, I have found some similarities between my life and theirs. Of course, I want to see myself in the same dais, where they are standing now. Now the question arises: Are they really my role-models? Or, just mile-stones? If you take the spiritual aspects, the image of Swami Vivekananda ...